She Wore Armor (#26 Na/GloWriMo)

She Wore Armor

(inspired by Joy Harjo’s “She Had Some Horses,” resurrected for NaPoWriMo prompt)

(Thank you Na/GloPoWriMo for featuring my poem on Day Twenty-Seven of NaPoWriMo 2019)

She wore armor

She wore armor over her beating heart
She wore armor over her pendulous breasts
She wore armor over her curving hips
She wore armor over her mound of flesh.

She wore armor

She wore armor over her good ideas
She wore armor over her strong hands.
She wore armor over her written words
She wore armor over her selfless service

She wore armor.

She wore armor over the cold space in their bed
She wore armor over the spoken wounds
She wore armor over the indifference
She wore armor over the goodbye

She wore armor.

She wore armor when her husband left
She wore armor on the morning metro
She wore armor at her Pentagon desk
She wore armor in her smile.

She wore armor

Her armor shifted under his gaze.
Her armor protested under his hands
Her armor groaned under his kiss
Her armor cracked under his weight

She unfasrened her armor.

28 Replies to “She Wore Armor (#26 Na/GloWriMo)”

    1. Thanks for the comment. Yeah, that was on the range in Afghanistan. My special forces friend new I hadn’t actually fired the 9mm they issued me (after range training, I mean, I qualified), so they took me out to their range so I could practice. I love that you are teaching gun accuracy and safety to your grandchildren!

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      1. Good to know the 9mm. I taught the officers and was part of the qualification for my last five year in the Army. I had to carry the 9mm when I served in South and Central American. Takes more skill than a rifle. You are welcome MaxieJane.

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